parallel import, Tokyo district court, trademark infringement 10/31/2020 Court Case: Parallel imports of trademarked goods in Japan In a trademark dispute pertinent to…
Article 4(1)(xi), Composite mark, IP High Court, Madrid Protocol, Similarity of mark, similarity of service, Standard character 01/12/2020 Empire Steak House loses to trademark its restaurant name in Japan IP High Court battle On December 26, 2019, the Japan IP …
abbreviation, alphabetical name, Article 4(1)(viii), examination, Famous mark 01/20/2018 JPO refused to register word mark “ROMEO GIGLI” due to lack of consent from Italian fashion designer In a recent decision, the Appeal Bo…
Article 3(1), Descriptive mark 10/23/2016 The IP High Court refused a word mark “HOKOTABAUM” due to lack of inherent distinctiveness In a dispute regarding distinctiven…